We know learning how to lose is a skill that needs to be practiced because even as adults, we don’t like to lose and some people may react more strongly than others. As our children grow, their competitive nature can also grow with them. We can model for them how to lose graciously and how to celebrate the journey that is the activity or competition itself. Read more about how to teach these important skills to your child.
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coping strategies
With many states and countries taking measures to help flatten the curve of COVID-19, you and your children may be experiencing many changes that can lead to increased anxiety. What are some signs to look out for and how can you help your kids address anxiety during this time? Read our blog on supporting children through anxiety.
Big feelings, sadness, anger, frustration, can be difficult to process - even for an adult. How do teachers help support kids’ emotions and feelings at school? Using similar strategies in your home, such as creating calm spaces, can help build home-school connections (or help homeschooling too!), while providing your kids with an opportunity to practice managing their emotions independently. Learn more about creating calm spaces, with games and activities, for your kids at home.