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5. COVID-19

6 Ways Administrators can Support Teachers’ Emotional Needs


6 Ways Administrators can Support Teachers’ Emotional Needs

There is no doubt that the past years have proven that teachers are superheroes. The ability to take on virtual learning at sudden notice, face months of uncertainty, and still provide the academic and social learning students need was not easy. Providing attentive care to the social emotional needs of students continues to be imperative and is just as equally important for that same care to be provided to teachers. Read more about how administrators can provide support for their teachers’ emotional needs, as well as care for themselves.


8 Tips For Parenting In A Covid Summer

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8 Tips For Parenting In A Covid Summer

Parenting is always a challenging job. As we swing into a less structured summer and navigate the new norms of social distancing, though, caregivers are presented with more challenges this summer than those before. Without the usual summer camps and summer classes, how can we structure children’s days and continue our own work? With some families returning to playdates and sleepovers, how can we ensure both the safety and happiness of our own kids? Read on to see how we might think about these new parenting challenges this summer with COVID-19.

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Prepare To Reopen Schools With Social Emotional Learning First


Prepare To Reopen Schools With Social Emotional Learning First

There are many uncertainties and concerns when it comes to returning to school in the fall, and not so many answers, but what is undeniable is that social-emotional learning and a prioritization of rebuilding community and relationships will be critical to children’s overall well-being and success with learning. Read more about how educators can prioritize key issues and plan for a new school year.


4 Ways To Engage Students in Distance Learning With SEL


4 Ways To Engage Students in Distance Learning With SEL

More than ever, students need help developing strategies to reduce stress and cope with big emotions. Overwhelmed teachers are feeling the demands of addressing both academic and emotional needs through distance learning, but it’s critical that SEL is still prioritized. Read on to learn about Better Kids’ resources that help educators include SEL in online instruction during covid 19.


Teaching During The Coronavirus Pandemic


Teaching During The Coronavirus Pandemic

As school closures increase across the U.S due to coronavirus, the news has captured the school's important role not only in education, but also in access to nutrition for so many kids. Another incredibly important, but perhaps overlooked aspect, is the role schools play in creating communities for so many children. How do we support the social and emotional well-being of our school communities during COVID-19? Read on for some thoughts from educators and experts across the country.


5 Ways to Support Children’s Emotional Well-Being during the Coronavirus

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5 Ways to Support Children’s Emotional Well-Being during the Coronavirus

With the evolving situation around the new coronavirus, COVID-19, there is a lot for each family to process and address. With social distancing, quarantining, and possible school closures, families with children may have additional needs, and one aspect of this is children’s stress and emotions during this time. How do I best address children’s emotional well-being during this challenging time?

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