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4. SEL Activities

4 Tips to Foster a Sense of Belonging in your Classroom


4 Tips to Foster a Sense of Belonging in your Classroom

With the first days of school come natural anxieties and worries. As educators, we can help our students adapt to their new environment and feel part of a community where they feel respected, accepted, and valued. Read our 4 tips for activities to foster a sense of belonging in your classroom.


5 Ways to develop children's social emotional skills through play


5 Ways to develop children's social emotional skills through play

At Better Kids, we believe that play not only is fundamental for children’s social emotional well being, it’s also the most effective way to learn. This is why we help parents and educators support their children’s social emotional growth through interactive digital games and hands-on activities. Read more about these activities and how they can help your child learn through play!


4 Spring Activities for Kids To Build Mindfulness


4 Spring Activities for Kids To Build Mindfulness

The only thing that is certain in life is that it is uncertain. One way to find peacefulness in the uncertainty is by being more present - we can pause to find joy in the small things, especially during a season as lovely and inspiring as spring. Read more about 4 simple and mindful activities to do with your child, inspired by the spring season.


5 Activities to Help Kids Develop Listening Skills


5 Activities to Help Kids Develop Listening Skills

When we are having a conversation with someone, how do we know if the other person is listening? Do they give a nonverbal or verbal response? Listening skills, like any social emotional skill, requires intentional practice. Read on for activities that will help kids develop their listening skills.


5 Holiday Activities for at home and school


5 Holiday Activities for at home and school

The holidays are an exciting time of year! It is important to acknowledge that this time of year is also busy and can sometimes feel overwhelming, even for kids. We can all benefit from taking time for the present moment and creating joy-filled memories together. Check out these 5 activities that you can do with your family or students to celebrate the holidays.


5 Art Activities for Social Emotional Learning


5 Art Activities for Social Emotional Learning

The arts (art, music, literature, drama, etc.) are a unique way for children to develop social emotional skills such as self-awareness and social awareness. Through expressions of creativity children can process their emotions and, through a shared sense of community, they can build positive relationships. Read on to discover art activities you can do with your child to strengthen their social emotional skills.


13 Resilience Quotes for Kids


13 Resilience Quotes for Kids

Resilience is when we can move forward after experiencing adverse events. It’s not always easy but with a strong support system and healthy coping strategies we can continue to move forward. Check out these resilience quotes to help inspire kids to think about what it means to them to be resilient.


10 SEL Books for the Summer


10 SEL Books for the Summer

Summertime is full of adventure and books help spark imagination, curiosity and build important social emotional skills. Check out these 10 books to read together this summer! They focus on topics such as healthy habits, imagination, perseverance, and family and community.


12 Kindness Quotes for Kids


12 Kindness Quotes for Kids

Whether you are a teacher or parent, you can create opportunities for discussion and reflection about the importance of being kind to others by using these kindness quotes! Read on to discover inspiring quotes that illustrate the life-changing impact of kindness.


5 SEL Activities for Women’s History Month


5 SEL Activities for Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month is dedicated to celebrating the women who have made significant contributions to our history, as well as all the women who play a role in leading us, supporting us, and caring for us in our daily life. Read this blog for ways to incorporate Women’s History Month into SEL activities for your students!


5 Tips for Starting a Social Emotional Learning Book Club

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5 Tips for Starting a Social Emotional Learning Book Club

As educators, we love to share our passion for social emotional learning with like-minded educators. This summer, Better Kids hosted a social emotional learning book club with educators from across the globe! Starting a book club is a great opportunity for your own professional, personal growth, and to share ideas with others. Read more for five tips on how to start your own SEL book club.

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10 Would You Rather Questions for Kids

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10 Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Discover “Would You Rather” questions for kids, a fun activity for the classroom and at home! This activity is a great way for children to use their imagination, practice weighing the pros and cons and making decisions when they are faced with a limited set of choices. It's also an opportunity to learn more about each other and about themselves. Read our blog for a full list of fun questions!

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Meditation for Kids: 3 Steps to Get Started


Meditation for Kids: 3 Steps to Get Started

There are many different mindful activities that can help children sleep better, strengthen their ability to focus, and improve their ability to regulate their emotions. Meditations are a unique opportunity for children to independently find stillness, reflect, and start or end their day on a positive note. Check out our blog for more on the benefits of meditations and how to use them with your child.


5 Social Emotional Learning Activities Teachers Can Incorporate for Pre-K to 3rd Grade

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5 Social Emotional Learning Activities Teachers Can Incorporate for Pre-K to 3rd Grade

Every school year is unique for each child as it is a period of growth and reaching new milestones. This year is especially unique as students are presented with new ways of reaching these milestones. Whether it is in-person, virtual, or a hybrid of both we are learning more about what our students truly need to feel successful, curious, and supported. At Better Kids, we believe developing social emotional skills is an essential component to a child’s education. Read more for five fun SEL activities you can incorporate into your classroom.

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