This time of year is a season full of abundant joy and busy preparation. It is important that we take time to be present with those we care about both at home and at school. We can create memories together that will last a lifetime, adventures we’ll cherish forever, and love that will always have a place in our hearts.

Here are 5 activities that you can do with your students or family to celebrate the holidays:

Wisdom: The World of Emotions_holiday version

1. Meals that bring us together

No matter what holiday you are celebrating, there is always something special about the food prepared specifically for the day. This year, you can teach your kids how to make your favorite traditional dish. Taking the time to explain the ingredients and process and ensuring that each step is followed correctly will teach your kids that incredible things are created if we are patient and attentive.

Looking for a fun way to teach your kids about emotions? Decorate cookies with different facial expressions and show them how they are unique for each emotion while enjoying a yummy treat!

Holiday Crafts for kids_Social Emotional Learning

2. Crafts that send a message of love

Sometimes we have friends and family that live far away and we can let them know we are thinking of them. You can help kids create a card, thank-you note or write a letter to tell someone why they are loved, and appreciate their role in their life. Our workbook, My Holidays with Wisdom, features colorful templates for your kids to use!

3. Traditions that tell a story

Gather your family or students together and take turns sharing your favorite tradition growing up. Some guiding questions for your conversation:

  • What did you enjoy most about the tradition?

  • Who did you celebrate the tradition with?

  • Who started the tradition and why is it celebrated?

  • Where and when is the tradition celebrated?

After sharing these stories, create a new tradition together! It can be special for the holiday season or be a part of your family or classroom routine all year long! A few examples:

  • Every Sunday play a board game together.

  • The week before a holiday celebration, take turns choosing your favorite holiday movie to watch together.

  • Give to those in need by sending food or clothing donations to a shelter, or making cards for hospital patients, nursing home residents, or troops overseas.

  • At the end of the year reflect on your favorite memories together, create a scrapbook, and write down goals for the new year.

4. Books that teach and inspire

We all have our favorite holiday books, some create dreams of snowy landscapes and aromas of fresh baked cookies, and others tell stories of families whose holiday traditions may look similar to our own. This year, you and your kids can celebrate diversity by discovering a new tradition! Lights of Winter: Winter Celebrations around the World, by Heather Conrad and Celebrations Around the World, by Katy Halford are two books that will help your kids discover holiday traditions that are celebrated around the world

Social Emotional Learning Books

5. Memories that last a lifetime

Wisdom: The World of Emotions_holiday version

At home, you can transform your living room into a family camp-out! Order some pizza, put down the phones and tablets, tell your kids to grab their favorite stuffed animal and share an evening together.

At school, you can transform your classroom into a winter wonderland. Cut out snowflakes that you can use to decorate the classroom, share hot cocoa and popcorn, and watch your favorite holiday movie together.

During this time, notice the little things that bring you comfort and joy. When you spend time together focused on the present moment, kids will feel safe, secure, and supported during this busy season.

We hope that you find joy in the little moments this holiday season!

“What if, today, we were grateful for everything?”—Charlie Brown

A prior version of this article was originally published on November 16, 2020.
